Thursday, June 1, 2017

20 Time Final Post

Overall, I thought my TED Talk went very well. I thought that we had very nice pacing throughout and were able to expand past what was on our slides. One thing that I wish I would have done differently was to add more photos to our slides, maybe of our event or some of the costumes that we collected throughout our progress.

After watching the video, I believe that overall our talk was good and I would give us an A. One thing that I could have worked on was my posture during the times that my partner was talking. I also think that I could have done a better of moving around a little more while I talked.

Preparing for and giving the talk was very fun. I was excited to share what we learned and what we did with the class. Since this topic was something that I was interested in and really liked doing, it did not seem like work.

From this experience, I believe that I will take away the importance of donations. As we said in our talk, donating the things that you are not utilizing is crucial becuase it can allow someone else to be using them. Another thing that I will take away from this is never taking my extra curricular activities for granted. I am so lucky to be able to participate in all the activites that I do and I never want to that for granted.

I have really liked listening to other presentations as well. Everyone has had different topics and so I have been engaged the entire time. I believe also that keeping the presentations to 5 minutes helped to keep me engaged and not lose focus on others presentations. As a whole, I really enjoyed the 20 Time project. I found it really interesting and I really enjoyed doing it.

This is my TED Talk!

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