Monday, January 9, 2017

New Years Goals

1. I will improve my general health. I will do this by working to eat healthier and more well-balanced meals, making sure to minimize my intake of sweets and other junk food. In addition, I will also work to improve my general health by making sure I get an adequate amount of sleep. These have always been goals I have tried to work towards, but due to the stress of college applications and a hectic Senior year schedule, I find myself often neglecting these things. For the rest of the school year, I will make it my priority to improve my eating habits as well as get a sufficient amount of sleep each night. I will strive to do maintain this lifestyle through the rest of the school year but ideally, make it something I do for the rest of my life.

2. As I finish out my last semester of high school (YAY), I will continue to give my best effort at school, on my homework, and in preparation for tests. I will do this by being an active participant in class, making sure I get my homework completed in a timely manner, and prepare properly and give myself enough time to study for my tests. As many may tend to slack off in the last semester, I will strive to still put forth my all.

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