Thursday, October 27, 2016

Blood Pressure Lab

1. Systole is when the atrium contracts and the blood is forced from the atria to the ventricles, while diastole is when the ventricles relax and blood is pumped away from the heart. The systole is also what makes the "lub" sound and the diastole is the "dub" sound when listening to the heartbeat.
2. The equipment used to measure heart rate is a stethoscope as well as your pointer and middle finger. The equipment used to measure your blood pressure is a stethoscope and a blood pressure cuff, called a sphygomomanometer. 
3. Using your thumb to measure a pulse is not ideal because your thumb has a pulse of it's own and the two pulses may be confused. 
4. When using a blood pressure cuff, you first want to make sure all the air is released when you tighten it on your arm. Then make sure the air valve is closed as you increase the pressure to around 160. Then, slowly release the valve and when you start to hear the heart beat, that is when you record the first number. When you can no longer hear the heartbeat, that's when you record the second number.

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