Saturday, May 13, 2017

Chicken Dissection Analysis

In this lab, we began by unwrapping the chicken, patting it dry and then removing the skin. We started the dissection by making an incision down the midline of the chicken. Then we identified the major muscles, such as the pectoralis major and minor. The pectoralis major is what gives the bird or chicken the power for their flight. We also looked for the tendons at their points of insertion. Next, we cut from the neck to the middle of the back in order to identify the trapezius and the latissimus dorsi. The trapezius muscle helps to pull the chicken's shoulder back, while the latissimus dorsi also extends the wing as well. Then, we extended the wing and cut it off before the shoulder joint. From there, we were able to identify muscles such as the deltoid. Finally, we cut off the thigh of chicken and identified some muscles such as the biceps femoris and the quadriceps femoris. The biceps femoris help to give the legs the power so that the chicken is able to run.


The insertion of the tendon is what moves with the contraction of the muscle while the origin is the physical attachment of the tendon. One difference between the muscles of a chicken is that the trapezius in humans is split into two parts. In both chicken and humans, the biceps brachii is used to bend the wing and arm. Lastly, the triceps humeralis is used to extend the arm. 

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